Glass/stone mosaic tile sheets are primarily used to create backsplash effects over sinks as well as fireplaces, kitchen and bathrooms. We offer a comprehensive range of glass stone tile mosaic sheets which include glass, porcelain, stone as well as metal mosaics. These come in various sizes and finishes including borders, moldings and sheets. Stone Glass tile forms a unique style which will make your kitchen and bathroom look stunning like a backsplash. The glass tile backsplash will offer your home a natural and contemporary look. These glass mosaic tile sheets are ideal for places with lot of water and moisture such as your kitchen or bathroom or a pool or any outdoor washroom. These make more sense near water and crafts an impermeable seal for the purpose of water lock out. These are quite easier to maintain and to keep clean and even after heavy use these 3d wall decor look beautiful. Anyone can achieve their desired style as well as lucidity which they wish in their homes with our glass stone mosaic strips, irrespective of their home decor. Our range of is available in various shapes and sizes from smooth & natural curves to mini-brick molds. Get stylish interior design ideas and professional interior decorating, home renovation and redesign services at Affordable Home Innovations.
Also Check Out : Glass & Stone Blend Mosaics & Kitchen Backsplash Tiles | 3D Wall Panels